This week we’re talking about negotiation. Whether you realise it or not, it’s a regular part of our lives. Think about getting the kids out the door or even walking your dog – You’ve engaged in numerous negotiations before you’ve even made it to the office!

Negotiation, like most things, will go better if you’re prepared, so for your next big negotiation (or outing with your fur friends) here are five practical tips to help improve the chance you get the outcome you’re after.

1. Don’t rush in!

Before you even start negotiating, take some time to think. Regardless of the situation, it’s OK to ask for some time to formulate a response. It could be 5 minutes or next week – as long as you clearly set the expectation and it’s appropriate for the situation.

Now that you have space consider the other party’s request. Would their desired outcome meet yours? Think about an alternative you can bring to the table. In some instances, the relationship might be more important than the deal itself, so a certain amount of goodwill on your part might be the key.

2. Listening is more important than speaking

Listening attentively without interrupting or becoming defensive is essential when engaging in discussions. It can be beneficial to jot down notes during lengthy conversations so that you can refer back to them later, if necessary.

To demonstrate to the other party that you have been actively listening, it’s helpful to reiterate what you’ve heard. This technique can also prevent misunderstandings from occurring. Additionally, it’s important to consider the strategic value of offering a verbal apology, as it can often resolve a dispute without incurring any costs. It’s worth noting that an apology is not an admission of fault. Finding common ground with the other party is essential as it builds trust and reduces the issues in dispute. Ultimately, this approach benefits both parties by showing the customer that their concerns are understood and allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

3. Make them see the light

When engaging in discussions, it’s crucial to keep an upbeat attitude. Rather than outright rejecting the other party’s viewpoint, consider presenting your views as supplementary to theirs rather than in opposition. This approach can help maintain a positive tone and keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

When the other party presents ultimatums or demands, staying positive and focusing on the benefits of reaching a solution together is essential. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills and work towards a mutually beneficial outcome.

By approaching negotiations positively, you’ll be more likely to find common ground and reach an agreement that satisfies both parties. Remember, a positive attitude can go a long way towards building trust and achieving successful outcomes.

4. What’s in it for them?

Now that you’ve highlighted the benefits of reaching an agreement for both parties, it’s time to present your offer confidently. It would be best to incorporate everything you learned from actively listening to the other party’s concerns.

When presenting your offer, consider including some low-cost but high-benefit trades to sweeten the deal. For instance, if your customer expressed dissatisfaction with late delivery, you could offer a delivery tracking service or discount delivery costs for bulk orders. Remember, the goal is to give to gain. Providing extra value means they’ll feel like they’ve gained something from the negotiation.

When communicating, use language that invites the other party’s input and encourages consensus building. Instead of dictating terms, ask if there’s anything you can do for them to help reach an agreement. By taking this approach, you can establish a robust and lasting relationship that benefits both parties.

With confidence, creativity, and a focus on mutual gain, you can successfully navigate negotiations and achieve your goals.

5. Make an offer they can’t refuse.

During negotiations, some pushback may arise before reaching an agreement. If this happens, it’s essential to reflect on your initial thoughts from step one and remain calm.

At this point, consider the alternatives if an agreement cannot be reached. However, avoiding threats and not rushing the negotiation process is essential. If ultimatums are necessary, use them cautiously and only if you’re prepared to follow them.

It’s also essential to draw attention to the disadvantages both parties will face if a decision is imposed without negotiation. This can be an effective way to help both parties understand the importance of finding a mutually beneficial agreement.

Remember, taking time to think and actively listening to the other party can be your most excellent tool in finding a successful outcome. So, stay calm, remain open to alternative solutions, and work towards a resolution that benefits everyone involved.


Negotiating with others can be a complex and challenging process. Seeking guidance from experienced individuals can provide valuable support and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Working with negotiation experts can provide insights into avoiding disputes, negotiating effectively, and resolving any issues that may arise during the process. Whether you’re dealing with a complex contract, negotiating a business deal, or fixing a dispute with a customer, having the proper guidance can protect your legal rights and help you work towards a mutually beneficial outcome.

Remember, negotiations can be emotionally charged, and mistakes can be costly. Seeking advice from those with the expertise and experience needed to navigate these challenges can give you the confidence to achieve your goals effectively.